

Email at or use our Contact Form

If you'd like to promote your brand to 5k-10k tech enthusiastics every month, get in contact with us via our Contact Form.

Referral links are only used where a non-referral link would have otherwise been used. These are services that I personally use and would recommend without a kick back.

Current Referrals:
Kamatera - $100 Credit 30 Days
Hetzner - €20 no expiry
DigitalOcean - $100 Credit 60 Days
Vultr - $100 Credit 30 Days
Ionos - No bonus :(
Octopus Energy UK - £50 Energy Credit


To get an insight of how popular CyberHost is, Umami is being used. This is a self-hosted and privacy friendly alternative to Google Analytics. No identifiable data is logged.

Hosting info

This site is hosted on a Ionos VPS (Ref).

Seeing as we're not using Ghost features like members or the newsletter. We convert the Ghost site to be static using GSSG. The site can then be run on less powerfull hardware while handling higher load.

Located in London, UK 🇬🇧

Powered by 100% Green Renewable Energy - More Info

DNS Provider: Vultr (Ref)