Best Free DNS Hosting Providers

Other Jul 28, 2021

Last Updated: 13th September 2021

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Anycast DNS

An anycast IP address is where 1 IP is connected to more than 1 server. Users will be routed to the server that is closed to them reducing response times. Anycast IP's are utilised within DNS networks so that they can provide low response times globally. If your audience is worldwide you will want to consider having an anycast DNS provider to improve loading times.


DNSSEC adds an additional layer of trust on top of the DNS system by adding cryptographic signatures to existing DNS records. This ensures the record wasn't modified, protecting against DNS injection and man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.

Cloudflare have a detailed post on DNSSEC here:

Secondary DNS

When running a website where availability is important a secondary DNS provider could be a good idea. This provides two benefits, if one provider goes down the other one is still there to answer your DNS queries, it can also speed up response times as the secondary provider may be the quickest for some users.

The two DNS servers typically run in tandem, one will be the main (master) and the other is the secondary (slave). The webmaster configures the records on the main server these are then synchronised with the secondary server via an AXFR (Authoritative Zone Transfer) record.

Query Limits

Some DNS providers offer a free plan but they often come with a cap on the number of DNS queries typically between 300k and 3M. I decided not to include these as they are freemium plans and you don't want to be stressing about the number of queries.

Provider Comparison

Provider Uses Cloudflare Network DNSSEC Secondary Support 🇮🇸/🇳🇱/🇬🇧
Cloudflare 🌎
DigitialOcean 🌎 🌎
Hetzner 🇩🇪
Linode 🌎
Vultr 🌎

🌎 = Global Anycast Network

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DNS Marketshare

Provider Percentage
GoDaddy DNS 50%
Cloudflare DNS 16%
Amazon Route 53 4%
Google Cloud DNS 3%
Google Domains 3%
Data from Datanyze on 20th July 2021

